Sunday, July 21, 2013

An Abundance of Riches

At least some of these are better than the "Hi"s and "Hello"s?  My favorite "Do you have the hots for a guy in uniform?"

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hopelessly Mismatched

So here I am beginning my first blog to document my (mis)adventures as a single 20-something in the DC dating world.  After finishing grad school and starting work in the city at a 9-to-5 10 job, finding time, or even an actual guy, to date is hard work.  As is juggling the match.coms, the OkCupids, the Hinges, and the Tinders of the online dating world

So here it is - my blog.  Each week I will give myself a challenge to find love like a date (and if you have any suggestions please let me know) and share some stories in the hopes that this will help someone else or at least provide some entertainment!

Challenge #1 - Go on an online date.  I am on some sites and have some apps, but I am just a wuss! I've gone out with a couple of these guys, but not on the regular.  My challenge is to go on a date this week and continue to go on dates every week (or every other week, aint nobody got time for a new date each week!). 

MisMatched E-mail of the Week

I got this funny thought this morning!

A sexy and attractive Lady in the BOSS cabin

Lady- BOSS, can you remove something on my body??????

Boss - wowwww! what is that ???

Lady - your EYES, sir!

Ha ha ha very funny right - nice thought :)